Thursday, July 9, 2015

Hello Again... Coupons, Laminating Machine, and More!!

Hey gang!! I know it's been awhile since I've posted coupons. I kinda let myself get into a slump with searching for them. But now I'm back at it in full swing and have quite a bit to share with you today!! Also while I was searching I came across this laminating machine that's on clearance at Carol Wrights. I couldn't believe it's only $1.99!! Being that it's on clearance it may sale out fast so you might want to jump on this one!!

And here are the coupons that I've found.  Many of these you can print out and if you use your backspace on a couple of them you can print them twice *wink wink*. Also be sure to check out the Red Plum coupons.  Just a couple tips ~ There is a $1 off coupon for Jimmy Dean bacon but it isn't coming up for all zip codes so if it doesn't come up for you, try my zip code 46517. There are also some Advil coupons you may be able to stack with the ones listed below.  

Enjoy today's coupons and if you know of any that I don't have listed please let me know about them, thanks :)

Check out all these and many more Red Plum coupons!!!

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